Comparing Exterior and Interior Waterproofing Methods

Comparing Exterior and Interior Waterproofing Methods

As a homeowner your home is most likely your largest investment so you will want to do everything possible to keep your home in excellent condition. With the increase of severe weather in the Toronto area it is important to realize the increased risk of basement flooding. With heavy rainfalls, snowfall and snow melt, your home can become prone to this type of disaster. Wet basements can create havoc for homeowners as it can cause so many problems and cost a huge amount of money to properly repair. On average it costs Canadians $43 000 to repair their basement from a flood.

It is a wise and responsible investment to have your home professionally waterproofed to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. There are two main methods of properly waterproofing your home, exterior and interior waterproofing. But what is really the difference between them? Let’s have a look. We will explain both methods so you can gain a better understanding.


Exterior Waterproofing

With the exterior waterproofing method, the problem is dealt with from the outside of the home. It is normally seen as the best method and is usually the preference. This is because it prevents water from coming into contact with your foundation so it stays dry, will not suffer water damage and erosion, and will not become weakened. Exterior waterproofing solves the problem at its root as it will completely prevent any water from entering.

It involves quite a bit of work as the outside of the home around the foundation needs to be excavated down to the footings. The walls are then repaired of any cracks with a hydraulic cement. Aqua-Bloc is then applied which is an elastomeric, emulsified asphalt membrane. Following this a fiber mesh is put in place and then new weeping tile installed. The ground is then filled in and covered with ¾” gravel for good drainage.

Exterior waterproofing does tend to be the more expensive method however, you can rest assured that your foundation is well taken care of, and you won’t be having any moisture in your basement. It can also save you money in the long run since it completely protects your foundation from water. This can save you from expensive foundation repairs in the future and protect the structural integrity of your home.


Interior Waterproofing

 Interior waterproofing will not prevent water from entering your basement through the foundation walls and floor although it is a very effective method that will keep your basement dry and safe for many years. It is normally recommended when the outdoor area around the foundation is not possible to excavate, usually because there is not enough space. It can also be used if you have a deck or landscaping that you don’t want effected by the excavation. Another benefit to this method is that it generally is less expensive compared to exterior waterproofing.

Interior waterproofing manages water that has already accumulated within the basement. The interior side of the basement walls will be excavated, and a drainage system put in place that will collect any water that has made its way inside. The water will be directed to a sump pump which will then push it out of the basement and away from the home’s foundation.

Whichever method you decide on, you can be confident that your property is protected, and you will be keeping your basement nice and dry. Some people even opt to have both methods in place for double protection. WaterPro Master specializes in both methods and is always ready to help. If you have any questions regarding basement waterproofing in Toronto and the GTA please contact us. We offer free inspections and estimates and will come up with the best waterproofing plan for your home.


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